Weekend Hiking Trip Getaway PictureWeekend Beach Getaway Photo

Travel Ideas For The Weekend: An Introduction

A long time in development, weekend travel ideas is a website dedicated to the proposition that not all weekends are created equal. Originally called Travel Idea Weekend, the service has existed for over a decade.  In order to create fulfilling experiences during your time off, good planning and good information are musts. Often times you’ll find that the greatest travel weekends you’ll ever have are within a few hours’ drive from your home.

We hope you’ll find the information and trip suggestions you find here useful.  In most cases, we attempt to pull from best-in-class sourcing around the web – sifting through sites like Airfare Watchdog, SniqueAway, and Sunset Magazine to find the very best opportunities available to spark weekend travel ideas, and, in the end, weekend travel reality.

Philosophy and Underpinning

What’s better than leaving your stuffy apartment behind in the summer and heading of either a luxurious weekend by the pool or a relaxing sojourn on a cool lake or stream? Not much is better … of course doing all this and saving money and time to is the ultimate in weekend travel experience.

Many long weekend travel enthusiasts choose to concentrate their efforts close to home, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. With programs available like Southwest’s “ding” fares and Travelocity’s last minute escapes page, a beach, desert, or mountain environment for a weekend getaway need not necessarily be out of the question for a tired vacationer looking for an escape from the ordinary Saturday and Sundat routine of kids, family, The Home Depot, bagels and the New York Times, a desultory jog around the neighborhood or subdivision – whatever the case may be…

Sometimes a change of scenery and perspective are all that’s required to shock one’s system back to a productive and well-balanced harmony in work and life. A simple two hours drive to a cabin rental in the woods with attached mountain biking trails might just be the sort of low-maintenance, high impact weekend travel suggestion that you, or someone you know, might need to restore order and sanity to an otherwise hectic and demanding life.

How Travel Ideas Weekend

This site is loosely organized into weekend daytrip ideas and longer weekend vacation travel ideas.  Forthcoming will be organization by geographic area of the United States and organization by interest/activities and price. If you find any opportunities for improvement here on Weekend Travel Ideas – please let us know.

And remember to visit often. More great trips and finds will be added throughout the month and year..

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